

主营行业: 建筑装修门窗 > 房屋装修

服务地区: 纽约州 (NY) - 纽约 (New York)

联系电话: 646-508-8409

联系人 仲师傅



标签: 建筑工程   店面翻新   房屋重建   门窗维修   建筑设计   房屋加建   室内外装修  

江苏雅美装修公司的仲师傅有30多年专业装修经验, 精通厨房装修、浴室翻新、安裝木地板、大理石贴面、花岗石台面、拆建隔间,批灰油漆粉刷,铺设拼花瓷砖和大理石地板。仲师傅技术全面,安装冰箱炉灶、更换水喉水池,水电安装,承接各类大小房屋装修, 精致橱柜定制安装,庭院装修,室外地面铺砖,外墙翻新,外墙整修,外墙修漏,勾缝砌砖,水泥砖石路面,木工水泥。

服务地区包括:本地纽约五大区域(曼哈顿,布鲁克林,皇后区,史泰登,布朗克斯),长岛,纽约上州,及新泽西,康州,麻省波士顿,宾州费城,马里兰州,大华府等地區的装修项目。江苏雅美装修公司為客户提供诚信的服务,其完成的项目质量高, 让客户放心和满意。为方便客户的需要,提供中文和英文的电话咨询。欢迎需要装修服务的客户,随时电话联系江苏雅美装修公司的仲师傅。

Mr. Zhong has over 30-year experience in renovating residential and commercial kitchens, bathrooms, installation of new floors, ceramic tiles, marble or granite counter tops. Many renovation projects include installing new stoves, ventilation system, refrigerators, freezers, new faucets, sinks, water pipes and other modern cooking equipment. Mr. Zhong and his team have successful experiences in decorating and plastering interior ceilings, walls and corridors, building new compartments or rooms.

Mr. Zhong is also highly experienced in installation of outdoor new walkways (brick, stone, or cement), small or large pavement, cement driveway and parking area, front and back doors stairways. Outdoor renovation covers exterior wall repair and painting as well.

Mr. Zhong and his team will accept right work projects in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and other regions.

Any house renovation and repair inquiries, please call Mr. Zhong:

Chinese?(中文): 646-508-8409

